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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
BombSquad / feature-suggestions / Why should the long text sent by the player be deleted?
I presented an idea earlier The problem for players was that they didn't know if the message they were sending would be sent because it was too long. If the player's text is long, the server tells him that your text is long and finally deletes all the text and the player has to rewrite that text from the beginning (you must have faced this and knows how bad it feels to write it again) The idea I came up with to fix this problem: When the server detects that the message is too long, it does not delete it and allows the player to re-edit it to make it shorter and then send it. So this means that the player sends a long message and then the server tells him that this message is long And you have to subtract 5 letters(For example) from the text to be able to send it. Finally, the player does this and the written text is sent successfully (edited)
⭐ 7
Deleted User 11/2/2023 5:22 AM
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